The Doctrine of Justification by Matthias Loy

“Human reason and inclination are always in their natural state averse to the doctrine of Justification by Faith. Hence it is no wonder that earth and hell combine in persistent efforts to banish it from the Church and from the world.” — Matthias Loy
Level of Difficulty: Primer: No subject matter knowledge needed.
The Great Doctrine of Christianity
“This great doctrine of the sinner’s justification by faith in the Redeemer of the world, who lived and suffered and died to save our lost race, is the very soul of the supernatural revelation given in Holy Scripture. But it is, therefore, also the doctrine against which the attacks of Satan are mainly directed, and against which the world and the flesh most obstinately array themselves.
“Satan in his malice hates the Saviour, as he hates the salvation of man, whose ruin he has compassed; and man in his pride despises the gracious plan which divine wisdom has formed for his deliverance, because that plan gives no credit to his genius for devising nor to his power for executing it. – Matthias Loy
Peace is not proof of Justification
“The peace which we feel in believing must not be made the ground or condition of our justification. It would seem superfluous to add this caution against a procedure that is so absurd, were it not that many are actually guilty of the strange absurdity, and thus rob themselves of all peace by leaving it without a foundation. They saw off the limb upon which they sit. Supposing themselves justified because they have peace, and considering this the only satisfactory reason for thinking themselves justified at all, they set aside the only evidence upon which the soul can have assurance – namely, that of the Word – and trust in effects, which are not uniform, and the testimony of which is therefore precarious. – Matthias Loy. Chapter 5
Contents (152 pages)
- About the Author – Matthias Loy
- Copyright Information
- Preface To The First Edition
- Preface To The Second Edition
- Introduction
- Chapter 1. The Nature Of Justification
- Justification Not A Declaration Defining The Sinner’s Moral Condition.
- Justification Not A Divine Act Making The Sinner Just.
- Justification A Divine Declaration Changing The Sinner’s Relation To God.
- Chapter 2. The Ground Of Justification
- The Ground Of Justification Not Man’s Natural Worthiness.
- The Ground Of Justification Not Any Human Acquirement
- The Ground Of Justification Is The Grace Of God And The Merits Of Christ.
- Chapter 3. The Means Of Its Bestowal
- Justification Requires Means To Bestow It
- The Word Of God
- The Holy Sacraments
- The Divine Bestowal Not The Human Possession
- Chapter 4. The Means Of Its Reception
- No Means Of Reception Besides Faith
- Faith The Designated Means Of Reception
- No Condition To Be Fulfilled Before Faith Avails
- The Nature Of Justifying Faith
- How Faith Justifies
- Degrees In Faith, But Not In Justification
- Chapter 5. Its Effects
- It Gives The Conscience Peace
- It Secures Sanctification.
- It Renders Glory To God.
- Conclusion
Publication Information
- Lutheran Library edition first published: 2018-02-22
- Copyright: CC BY 4.0
- Updated: v5.1 2020-02-21 (typos and formatting for quotations)