The Columbus Theological Magazine Vol. 1, Matthias Loy, Editor

Volume 1 includes “The Formula Of Concord On Predestination”, “Concerning The Election To Eternal Life by Conrad Dietrich”, “Election in Foresight of Faith”, and many other articles."
“The doctrine which has been taught in the Lutheran Church during these three centuries has been established by the Scriptures, and defended against all foes, to the satisfaction of a host of eminent theologians whose linguistic learning and whose logical acumen have not been surpassed in any church or in any age. They sifted evidence closely; they thought upon the subject profoundly; they defended their doctrine triumphantly. They were not ignorant of the objections which could be urged against them. These objections were examined and refuted.” — Matthias Loy, ed.
Special Collection
The Columbus Theological Magazine is one of the specially restored collections of the Lutheran Library.
Focus of Volume 1
Has the Lord declared the whole world righteous? The answer to this question shapes one’s deep understanding of the gospel.
Publication Information
- Lutheran Library edition first published: 2023
- Copyright: CC BY 4.0