James Russell Miller

“I doubt if there is a living minister in all the world who has done a greater work, or who is more internationally known, than Dr. Miller. In the ecclesiastical life, he is the marvel of the age. He has done the work of ten men. While others were attending banquets or sitting by their firesides β€” his tireless feet have been tramping the streets of the city calling upon the sick and like Paul carrying the gospel into many homes. Of all the great ministers of the past, not one has wielded greater influence for good. The whole city should be thankful for the noble life of this wonderful man!” – Talmage

“The secret of Miller’s life was summarized in five words that he loved to repeat again and again, ‘Jesus and I are friends!’ This was the deepest passion of his life β€” to know and love Jesus Christ. All he did and all he wrote, came from his vital relationship with his Friend. [Source: Grace Gems]