History of Protestantism Vol. 3 by James Aitken Wylie

“Protestantism… penetrates into the heart and renews the individual. It is… the founder of free kingdoms, and the mother of pure churches.” — James Aitken Wylie
This is the third of three volumes. The first volume is History of Protestantism Volume 1. The second volume is History of Protestantism Volume 2.
Level of Difficulty: Primer: No subject matter knowledge needed.
James Aitken Wylie LL.D. (1808-1890) was a Scottish historian of religion and Presbyterian minister. His most famous work is the four volume History of Protestantism. Other important books include _The Great Exodus, or “The Time of the End”, Rome and civil liberty: or, The papal aggression in its relation to the sovereignty of the Queen and the independence of the nation, The Papacy: Its History, Dogmas, Genius, and Prospects, The Jesuits: Their Moral Maxims and Plots Against Kings, Nations, and Churches, The Papacy is the Antichrist - A Demonstration.
- Frontispiece
- Titlepage
- Contents
- Illustrations
Book 18. History of Protestantism in the Netherlands
- 1 The Netherlands and their Inhabitants
- 2 Introduction of Protestantism into the Netherlands
- 3 Antwerp: its Confessors and Martyrs
- 4 Abdication of Charles V and Accession of Philip II
- 5 Philip Arranges the Government of the Netherlands and Departs fro Spain
- 6 Storms in the Council and Martyrs at the Stake
- 7 Retirement of Granvelle - Belgic Confession of Faith
- 8 The Rising Storm
- 9 The Confederates or “Beggars
- 10 The Field-Preachings
- 11 The Image-Breakings
- 12 Reaction - Submission of the Southern Netherlands
- 13 The Council of Blood
- 14 William Unfurls his Standard - Execution of Egmont and Horn
- 15 Failure of William’s First Campaign
- 16 The “Beggars of the Sea” and Second Campaign of the Prince of Orange
- 17 William’s Second Campaign and Submission of Brabant and Flanders
- 18 The Siege of Haarlem
- 19 Siege of Alkmaar and Recall of Alva
- 20 Third Campaign of William and Death of Count Louis of Nassau
- 21 The Siege of Leyden
- 22 March of the Spanish Army Through the Sea - Sack of Antwerp
- 23 The “Pacification of Ghent,” and Toleration
- 24 Administration of Don John and First Synod of Dort
- 25 Abjuration of Philip and Rise of the Seven United Provinces
- 26 Assassination of William the Silent
- 27 Order and Government of the Netherland Church
- 28 Disorganization of the Provinces
- 29 The Synod of Dort
- 30 Grandeur of the United Provinces
Book 19. Protestantism in Poland and Bohemia
- 1 Rise and Spread of Protestantism in Poland
- 2 John Alasco and Reformation of East Friesland
- 3 Acme of Protestantism in Poland
- 4 Organisation of the Protestant Church of Poland
- 5 Turning of the Tide of Protestantism in Poland
- 6 The Jesuits Enter Poland - Destruction of its Protestantism
- 7 Bohemia - Entrance of Reformation
- 8 Overthrow of Protestantism in Bohemia
- 9 An Army of Martyrs
- 10 Suppression of Protestantism in Bohemia
Book 20. Protestantism in Hungary and Transylvania
- 1 Planting of Protestantism
- 2 Protestantism Flourishes in Hungary and Transylvania
- 3 Ferdinant II and the Era of Persecution
- 4 Leopold I and the Jesuits
- 5 Banishment of Pastors and Desolation of the Church of Hungary
Book 21. The Thirty Years’ War
- 1 Great Periods of the Thirty Years’ War
- 2 The Army and the Camp
- 3 The March and its Devastations
- 4 Conquest of North Germany by Ferdinand II and the “Catholic League
- 5 Edict of Restititution
- 6 Arrival of Gustavus Adolphus in Germany
- 7 Fall of Magdeburg and Victory of Leipsic
- 8 Conquest of the Rhine and Bavaria - Battle of Lutzen
- 9 Death of Gustavus Adolphus
- 10 The Pacification of Westphalia
- 11 The Fatherland after the War
Book 22. Protestantism in France from Death of Henry IV (1610) to the Revolution (1789)
- 1 Louis XVIII and the Wars of Religion
- 2 Fall of La Rochelle, and End of the Wars of Religion
- 3 Industrial and Literary Eminence of the French Protestants
- 4 The Dragonnades
- 5 Revocation of the Edict of Nantes
- 6 The Prisons and the Galleys
- 7 The “Church of the Desert
Book 23. Protestantism in England fromt eh Times of Henry VIII
- 1 The King and the Scholars
- 2 Cardinal Wolsey and the New Testament of Erasmus
- 3 William Tyndale and the English New Testament
- 4 Tyndale’s New Testament Arrives in England
- 5 The Bible and the Cellar at Oxford - Anne Boleyn
- 6 The Divorce - Thomas Bilney, the Martyr
- 7 The Divorce and Wolsey’s Fall
- 8 Cranmer - Cromwell - The Papal Supremacy Abolished
- 9 The King declared Head of the Church of England
- 10 Scaffolds - Death of Henry VIII
- 11 The Church of England as Reformed by Cranmer
- 12 Deaths of Protector Somerset and Edward VI
- 13 Restoration of the Pope’s Authority in England
- 14 The Burnings under Mary
- 15 Elizabeth - Restoration of the Protestant Church
- 16 Excommunication of Elizabeth and Plots of the Jesuits
- 17 The Armada - Its Building
- 18 The Armada Arrives off England
- 19 Destruction of the Armada
- 20 Greatness of Protestant England
Book 24. Protestantism in Scotland
- 1 The Darkness and Daybreak
- 2 Scotland’s First Preacher and Martyr, Patrick Hamilton
- 3 Wishart is Burned, and Knox comes forward
- 4 Knox’s Call to the Ministry and First Sermon
- 5 Knox’s Final Return to Scotland
- 6 Establishment of the Reformation in Scotland
- 7 Constitition of the “Kirk” - Arrival of Mary Stuart
- 8 Knox’s Interview with Queen Mary
- 9 Trial of Knox for Treason
- 10 The Last Days of Queen Mary and John Knox
- 11 Andrew Melville - the Tulchan Bishops
- 12 Battles for Presbyterianism and Liberty
- 13 James VI in England - The Gunpowder Plot
- 14 Death of James VI and Spiritual Awakening in Scotland
- 15 Charles I and Archbishop Laud - Religious Innovations
- 16 The National Covenant and Assembly of 1638
- 17 Civil War - Solemn League - Westminster Assembly
- 18 Parliament Triumphs and the King is Beheaded
- 19 Restoration of Charles II and St Bartholemew Day, 1662
- 20 Scotland - Middleton’s Tyranny - Act Recissory
- 21 Establishment of Prelacy in Scotland
- 22 Four Hundred Ministers Ejected
- 23 Breach of the “Triple League” and War with Holland
- 24 The Popish Plot and Death of Charles II
- 25 The First Rising of the Scottish Presbyterians
- 26 The Field Preaching or “Conventicle
- 27 Drumclog - Bothwell Bridge - The “Killing Times
- 28 James II - Projects to Restore Popery
- 29 A Great Crisis in England and Christendom
- 30 Protestantism Mounts the Throne of Great Britain
- General Index
Publication Information
- Lutheran Library edition first published: 2024
- Copyright: CC BY 4.0