In The Redeemer's Footsteps by Leander Keyser

This book of brief and simple sermons are the result of a lifetime of study, thought and experience by a faithful pastor and teacher.
“The title expresses the chief purpose of the book — to follow ‘In the Redeemer’s Footsteps.’ Christ is the Redeemer; by His active and passive obedience He ransomed us from the just consequences of our sins. Therefore it has been the author’s purpose to show the vital connection of each gospel lesson with God’s great and holy plan of saving grace. Every event in the Redeemer’s life and every teaching He uttered must have a real bearing on the central purpose of His incarnation and work: in other words, must be a link, or part of link, in the living chain…
“The writer prays that these sermons may uplift and enrich the hearts of his readers, be they many or few.” — From the Introduction
Level of Difficulty: Primer: No subject matter knowledge needed.
Leander Sylvester Keyser (1856-1937) was educated at Wittenberg College Seminary, Springfield, Ohio, and served pastorates in Indiana, Kansas and Ohio. In 1911 he became professor of Systematic Theology at Hamma Divinity School, and was considered one of the leading theologians of the General Synod. Prof. Keyser’s books include The Conflict Between Fundamentalism and Modernism, The Rational Test, A System of Christian Evidence (Apologetics), A System of General Ethics, A System of Natural Theism, In The Redeemer’s Footsteps, and In the Apostles’ Footsteps.
Book Contents
- A Brief Explanation.
- Prefatory Note
- 1 How Our Heavenly King Entered An Earthly City. The First Sunday In Advent. Matt. 21:1-9
- 2 When Christ Comes Again. The Second Sunday In Advent. Luke 21:25-36
- 3 Marks Of The True Messiah. The Third Sunday In Advent. Matt. 11:2-10
- 4 The Faithful Herald. The Fourth Sunday In Advent. John 1:19-28
- 5 Why The Son Of God Game In Human Form. Christmas. Luke 2:1-14
- 6 The Christ Child In The Temple. Sunday After Christmas. Luke 2:33-40
- 7 Christ And The Law. Circumcision Day. Luke 2:21
- 8 God’s Care For His Own. Sunday After New Year. Matt. 2:13-23
- 9 Guided By A Star. Epiphany Sunday. Matt. 2:12
- 10 Jesus In God’s House. The First Sunday After Epiphany. Luke 2:41-52.
- 11 Jesus At The Wedding. The Second Sunday After Epiphany. John 2:1-11
- 12 Christ And The Leper. The Third Sunday After Epiphany. Matt. 8:1 — 13
- 13 Master Of Wind And Wave. The Fourth Sunday After Epiphany. Matt. 8:23-26
- 14 Wheat And Tares In The Field. The Fifth Sunday After Epiphany. Matt. 13:24-30
- 15 A Foregleam Of Coming Glory. The Sixth Sunday After Epiphany. Matt. 17:1-9
- 16 Working In Christ’s Vineyard. Septuagesima Sunday. Matt. 20:1-16
- 17 Seed And Soil. Sexagesima Sunday. Luke 8:4-15
- 18 The Divine Prophet And Healer. Quinquagesima Sunday. Luke 18:31-43
- 19 The Keeping Of Lent. Ash Wednesday. Matt. 6:16-21
- 20 The True Lenten Idea. The Beginning Of Lent. Rom. 5:8
- 21 Christ The Victor. The First Sunday In Lent. Matt. 4:1-11
- 22 The Marks Of True Faith. The Second Sunday In Lent. Matt. 15:21-28
- 23 The Master Of The Spiritual Realm. The Third Sunday In Lent. Luke 11:14-28
- 24 Christ And The Hungry Multitude. The Fourth Sunday In Lent. John 6:1-15
- 25 Christ The Fundamental Reasoner. The Fifth Sunday In Lent. John 7:46-53
- 26 The Beauty Of Children’s Praise And Service. Palm Sunday. Matt. 21:1-9
- 27 The Doctrine Of The Eucharist. Holy Thursday. 1 Cor. 11:23-31; John 13:1-15
- 28 The Divine Reason Of The Cross. Good Friday. John 18:1 — 19:42
- 29 The Redeemer’s Triumph. Easter. Mark 16:1-8
- 30 Christ Allaying Doubt. The First Sunday After Easter. John 20:19-31
- 31 The Shepherd And The Hireling. The Second Sunday After Easter. John 10:11-16
- 32 Christ’s “A Little While”. The Third Sunday After Easter. John 16:16-23
- 33 Going Away And Sending The Spirit. The Fourth Sunday After Easter. John 16:5-15
- 34 “In That Day”. The Fifth Sunday After Easter. John 16:23-30
- 35 The Ascended Lord At Work. Ascension Day. Mark 16:14-20
- 36 The Office Of The Holy Spirit. Sunday After Ascension. John 15:26 — 16:4
- 37 Christ And The Comforter. Whitsunday Or Pentecost. John 14:23-31
- 38 The Doctrine Of The New Birth. The Festival Of The Holy Trinity. John 3:1-15
- 39 How Two Men’s Conditions Were Reversed. The First Sunday After Trinity. Luke 16:19-31
- 40 The Gospel Feast. The Second Sunday After Trinity. Luke 14:16-24
- 41 Heaven’s Interest In One Sinner. The Third Sunday After Trinity. Luke 15:1-10
- 42 The Divine Quality Of Mercy. The Fourth Sunday After Trinity. Luke 6:36-42
- 43 The Rewards Of Faith. The Fifth Sunday After Trinity. Luke 5:1-11
- 44 The Righteousness That Excels. The Sixth Sunday After Trinity. Matt. 5:20-26
- 45 The Divine Provider. The Seventh Sunday After Trinity. Mark 8:1-9
- 46 The Test Of The False. The Eighth Sunday After Trinity. Matt. 7:15-23
- 47 The Right Use Of Earthly Possessions. The Ninth Sunday After Trinity. Luke 16:1-9
- 48 Jesus Both Tender And Stern. The Tenth Sunday After Trinity. Luke 19:41-48
- 49 Two Kinds Of Prayer. The Eleventh Sunday After Trinity. Luke 18:9-14
- 50 Jesus And The Deaf Mute. The Twelfth Sunday After Trinity. Mark 7:31-37
- 51 A Neighbor Indeed And In Truth. The Thirteenth Sunday After Trinity. Luke 10:23-37
- 52 Jesus And The Ten Lepers. The Fourteenth Sunday After Trinity. Luke 17:11-19
- 53 Devotion To One Master. The Fifteenth Sunday After Trinity. Matt. 6:24-34
- 54 Christ’s Pity And Power. The Sixteenth Sunday After Trinity. Luke 7:11-17
- 55 Christ’s Instructive Table Talk. The Seventeenth Sunday After Trinity. Luke 14:1-11
- 56 Christ, The Acute Reasoner. The Eighteenth Sunday After Trinity. Matt. 22:34-46
- 57 One Who Can Forgive Sin. The Nineteenth Sunday After Trinity. Matt. 9:1-8
- 58 A Wedding Feast And A Wedding Garment. The Twentieth Sunday After Trinity. Matt. 22:1-14
- 59 The Lord, Thy Healer. The Twenty-First Sunday After Trinity. John 4:46-54
- 60 Forgiving And Being Forgiven. The Twenty-Second Sunday After Trinity. Matt. 18:23-35
- 61 Man’s Civil And Religious Obligations. The Twenty-Third Sunday After Trinity. Matt. 22:15-22
- 62 Two Miracles And Two Examples Of Faith. The Twenty-Fourth Sunday After Trinity. Matt. 9:18-26.
- 63 Flee! Pray! Beware! The Twenty-Fifth Sunday After Trinity. Matt. 24:15-28
- 64 Before The Judgment Seat Of Christ. The Twenty-Sixth Sunday After Trinity. Matt. 25:31-46
- 65 Wise Ways Versus Foolish Ways. The Twenty-Seventh Sunday After Trinity. Matt. 25:1-13
- 66 Full Barns: What Of The Soul? The Festival Of Harvest. Luke 12:15-21
- 67 A Revival Of True Biblical Conceptions. The Festival Of The Reformation. John 8:31-46
- 68 Good That Came Out Of Eisleben. Luther’s Birthday. John 1:46
- 69 The Privilege And Joy Of Gratitude. Thanksgiving Day [A Day Of General Or Special Thanksgiving]. Psalm 107:1
- 70 The Fact And Assurance Of Immortality. In Memory Of The Dead. John 14:2
- Copyright Notice
- How Can You Find Peace With God?
Publication Information
- Lutheran Library edition first published: 2020
- Copyright: CC BY 4.0