Living Fountains or Broken Cisterns: Education for Protestants by E A Sutherland

“D’Aubigne says that in the Reformation, ’the school was early placed beside the church; and these two great institutions, so powerful to regenerate the nations, were equally reanimated by it. It was by a close alliance with learning that the Reformation entered the world.
“True education, Protestantism, and republicanism form a threefold union which defies the powers of earth to overthrow; but today Protestant churches are growing weak, and the boasted freedom of America’s democracy is being exchanged for monarchical principles of government.” - From the Introduction
Level of Difficulty: Primer: No prior subject matter knowledge needed.
- About the Lutheran Library
- Titlepage
- Preface
- Contents
- 1 Introduction: God the Source of Wisdom
- 2 The Heavenly School
- 3 The Edenic School
- 4 The History of Fifteen Centuries
- 5 The School of Abraham
- 6 Education in Israel
- 7 The Educational System of the Pagan World
- 8 Christ the Educator of Educators
- 9 Education in the Early Church
- 10 The Papacy - An Educational Problem
- 11 Education of the Middle Ages
- 12 The Sixteenth Century Reformation an Educational Reform
- 13 The Reaction after the Educational Reformation
- 14 America and the Educational Problem
- 15 America and the Educational Problem (continued)
- 16 Christian Education
- 17 Christian Education (continued)
Publication Information
- Lutheran Library edition first published: 2024
- Copyright: CC BY 4.0