Questions and Answers to the Six Parts of the Small Catechism of Dr. Martin Luther by William Loehe

“Luther’s Smaller Catechism is the best text book for religious instruction that has yet been offered to the church. For nearly 400 years it has held this place in our church and millions have drank this “milk of the Gospel” as the very best food for spiritual babes.
“The excellence of this explanation is, that it attempts no more than to analyze and explain Luther’s Catechism itself. It does not try to find in it the whole scheme of doctrine. It is intended, like Luther’s Catechism, to show a house-father how to teach his household.”
“The father, the children, the household, should use, pray, learn, prize it; and so it will become the cruse of the woman of Sarepta, in which the oil never fails.”
You may also be interested in: Jacobs’ Luther’s Small Catechism
Publication Information
- Lutheran Library edition first published: 2018-12-13
- Updated: v6.2021-04-05
- Copyright: CC BY 4.0