The Seventh Vial: The Past and Present of Papal Europe As Shown In The Apocalypse by James Aitken Wylie

“Each party has its own cherished project, which it will strive to the utmost to realize. The Ultramontanes will conspire to lift the Church of Rome once more to universal sway over the nations. The Reactionaries will energetically labor to bring back the palmy days of despotic governments; and the Revolutionists, inferior in numbers and energy to neither of the other two parties, will leave no stone unturned towards realizing their golden dream of a universal republic.” β James Aitken Wylie
Level of Difficulty: Primer: No subject matter knowledge needed.
James Aitken Wylie LL.D. (1808-1890) was a Scottish historian of religion and Presbyterian minister. His most famous work is the four volume History of Protestantism. Other important books include _The Great Exodus, or “The Time of the End”, Rome and civil liberty: or, The papal aggression in its relation to the sovereignty of the Queen and the independence of the nation, The Papacy: Its History, Dogmas, Genius, and Prospects, The Jesuits: Their Moral Maxims and Plots Against Kings, Nations, and Churches, The Papacy is the Antichrist - A Demonstration.
Book Contents
- Preface
- 1 Introduction.
- 2 Apocalyptic Symbols.
- 3 Structure Of The Apocalypse.
- 4 The Rider On The White Horse.
- 5 Vision Of The Mighty Angel.
- 6 The Little Book.
- 7 The Oath Of The Angel.
- 8 The Measuring Of The Temple.
- 9 The Two Witnesses.
- 10 The Western Witnesses, Or The Waldenses.
- 11 Avenging Power Of The Witnesses.
- 12 War With The Witnesses.
- 13 Death Of The Witnesses.
- 14 Resurrection Of The Witnesses.
- 15 The Ten-Horned And Seven-Headed Beast Of The Sea.
- 16 The Two-Horned Beast Of The Earth.
- 17 The Commencement And Termination Of The Twelve Hundred And Sixty Days.
- 18 The Harpers On Mount Zion.
- 19 The Seventh Trumpet.
- 20 The First Three Vials.
- 21 The Fourth Vial β The Sun Of Fire.
- 22 The Fifth Vial β Darkness In The Kingdom Of The Beast.
- 23 The Sixth Vial β Drying Up Of The Euphrates.
- 24 The Kings Of The East β The Three Frogs.
- 25 The Harvest Of The Earth.
- 26 The Seventh Vial.
- 27 The Tripartition And Burning Of The Great City.
- 28 The Expedition Of Gog; Or Irruption Of Nations From The North And East.
- 29 The Harpers By The Sea Of Glass.
Publication Information
- Lutheran Library edition first published: 2021
- Copyright: CC BY 4.0