Daily Handbook In Good and Evil Days by John Frederick Starck

“For nearly [three] hundred years Starck’s Daily Handbook has been a standard book of devotion; and it is not likely to be superseded by anything superior for many years to come. First published in 1728, it was at once received with great favor. As new editions were demanded, the original dimensions of the work were increased by the addition of other prayers, until finally, in the edition of 1776, edited by the son of J. F. Starck, the book appeared in its completed form, containing prayers for almost every conceivable time and emergency.
“The [goal of the translation] has been to give the book as smooth an English rendering as if in the first place it had been written in English… Much care and time have been devoted to the Scripture verses and the Scriptural phraseology, which form so large a part of Starck’s Handbook, and to which it owes so much of its beauty and value. — Joseph Stump
Level of Difficulty: Primer: No subject matter knowledge needed.
John Frederick Starck (1680-1756) wrote 939 hymns and is best known for his Daily Handbook.
Joseph Stump (1866-1935) studied at Capital University and the Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia. He taught at the Chicago Lutheran Theological Seminary and the Northwestern Lutheran Theological Seminary, where he was also President.
Book Contents
- Translator’s Preface
Book One. For General Use.
- Part 1. Morning, Noon, And Evening Devotions.
- Part 2. For The Festivals Of The Church.
- Part 3. Prayers For Various Spiritual And Bodily Benefits.
Book Two. For the Use of the Afflicted.
- The Afflicted Person Finds Comfort In God’s Omnipotence.
- The Afflicted Person Comforts Himself With The Thought Of God’s Love.
- The Afflicted Person Comforts Himself With The Hope Of God’s Help.
- The Afflicted Person Comforts Himself With The Thought Of God’s Mercy.
- The Afflicted Person Meditates Upon The Divine Promises.
- The Afflicted Person Meditates Upon God’s Purpose In Sending Affliction.
- The Afflicted Person Prays For Patience And Strength.
- The Afflicted Person Prays For The Alleviation Of His Sufferings.
- The Afflicted Person Reflects Upon The Joyful End Of His Cross.
- Hymn: God of my life, whose gracious power. (L.M.)
- Widows In Their Sorrow Pour Out Their Heart Before God.
- Hymn: Come, ye disconsolate, where’er ye languish. (11,10.)
- Forsaken Orphans Tell Their Troubles To God.
- The Afflicted Person Complains Of The Weakness Of His Faith.
- The Afflicted Person Complains Of Sinful, Evil, And Blasphemous Thoughts.
- Hymn: Weary of earth, and laden with my sin. (10s.)
Book Three. For the Use of the Sick.
- The Sick Person Prays For Patience.
- The Sick Person Prays For God’s Help.
- The Sick Person Realizes That He Is Mortal.
- The Sick Person Resigns Himself To Live Or Die.
- The Sick Person Realizes That The Cross And Affliction Come From God.
- The Sick Person Recognizes The Benefits Of Sickness.
- The Sick Person Places His Trust In The Almighty Power Of God.
- The Sick Person Calls To Mind The Baptismal Covenant.
- The Sick Person Trusts In The Mercy Of The Triune God.
- The Sick Person Would Bear His Sufferings Without Murmuring.
- The Sick Person Prepares Himself To Partake Of The Lord’s Supper.
- The Sick Person Prays To God For The Forgiveness Of Sins.
- The Sick Person Prays Before Partaking Of The Lord’s Supper.
- The Sick Person Prays After Partaking Of The Lord’s Supper.
- The Sick Person Prays When He Takes His Medicine.
- The Sick Person Prays For The Alleviation Of His Pain.
- The Sick Person Prays God Not To Forsake Him.
- The Sick Man Meditates Upon His Death.
- The Sick Person Meditates Upon The Grave And The Resurrection.
- The Christian Thanks God For His Restoration To Health.
- Scripture Passages And Short Prayers For Those Who Were Sick And Have Been Restored To Health.
Book Four. For the Use of the Dying and Those Who Surround Them.
- The Dying Person Places Himself Before God’s Judgment.
- The Dying Person Forgives And Asks Forgiveness.
- The Dying Person Bids Farewell To His Dear Ones, And Gives Them His Blessing.
- The Dying Person Commends Himself To God.
- The Dying Person Meditates Upon Heaven.
- The Dying Person Meditates Upon The Promises Of God.
- The Dying Person Meditates Upon The Joy And Fellowship Of Heaven.
- The Dying Person Comforts Himself With The Thought Of God’s Help.
- The Dying Person Desires To Die Trusting In Jesus.
- The Dying Person Prays For A Happy End.
- Sentences, Scripture Passages, And Prayers With Which The Bystanders May Comfort The Dying One.
- The Bystanders Encourage The Dying One.
- Prayer Of The Bystanders After One Has Died.
Book Five. Prayers for Special Occasions.
- The Christian Praises God On His Birthday.
- The Christian Thanks God After The Harvest Has Been Gathered.
- The Christian Prays During A Thunderstorm.
- The Christian Thanks God After The Thunderstorm Is Past.
- The Christian Prays To God When Starting Upon A Journey.
- Prayer Of One Who Is Sick Among Strangers.
- The Christian Thanks God When He Has Returned Safe From A Journey.
- The Christian Prays In Time Of War
- The Christian Thanks God For The Restoration Of Peace.
- The Christian Prays In Time Of Famine.
- The Christian Prays In Time Of Pestilence.
- The Christian Prays During A Conflagration.
- The Christian Prays When He Has Met With Loss By Fire.
- The Christian Thanks God When The Conflagration Has Been Extinguished.
- The Christian Prays In Time Of Excessive Rain.
- The Christian Prays In Time Of Drought.
Books Six And Seven. Prayers For Use In Pregnancy, Labor, And Confinement, And For The Barren.
- Preface.
- For Use In Pregnancy.
- The Pregnant Woman Reflects Upon Her Condition As Being Well Pleasing To God.
- The Pregnant Woman Thanks God For Her Fruitfulness.
- The Pregnant Woman Commends Herself And Her Offspring To God.
- The Pregnant Woman Calls To Mind God’s Promises.
- The Pregnant Woman Rejoices In The Almighty Power Of God.
- The Pregnant Woman Comforts Herself With The Hope Of God’s Help.
- For Women In Travail. Devotions At The Approach Of Labor.
- Meditation At The Approach Of Labor.
- Scripture Passages And Short Prayers To Be Used During Labor.
- For The Use Of Mothers
- The Mother Thanks God For Her Happy Delivery.
- The Mother’s Morning Prayer.
- The Mother’s Evening Prayer.
- The Mother Offers Up A Prayer For Her Child.
- Prayer When The Child Is About To Be Baptized.
- Prayer Of Pious Parents For Their Children.
- The Mother Prepares For Her Churching.
- The Pious Mother Thanks God When She Weans Her Child.
- Consolation For The Barren.
Publication Information
- Lutheran Library edition first published: 2020
- Copyright: CC BY 4.0